Canny Conversations Podcasts

Canny Conversations Podcast

Compelling Conversations with a Cause.

Let's talk, because everything starts with a conversation.

Graham Hasting-Evans CEO NOCN Group Part 2 by Safaraz Ali

Graham Hasting-Evans CEO NOCN Group Part 2 Podcast by Safaraz Ali –

In this second part of Safaraz’s conversation with Graham Hastings-Evans of NOCN Group, they explore the state of play for the skills environment in more depth. Their chat looks at the speed of change and the current challenge for skills to keep up with the future needs of the economy when policy makers continue to plan for an economic past.

Not only do employers, governments and training providers need to adopt more dynamic approaches in order for young people to leave   college both more resilient and with the right skills, but also support the workforce of today, 80% of whom will still be working in 10 years’ time. So just how do policy makers, employers and skills providers tackle such an important economic challenge?